Sugar analysis:
please make protocol or outline how to analysis sugar
Instead of giving step-by-step directions for this week in lab, I am providing a chapter from a book to follow. You will do Nelson-Somogyi spectrophotometric reducing sugar assay for glucose and fructose (combined) for one set of triplicate samples (spiked and un-spiked). You will do Anthrone total sugar spectrophotometric assay for total sugars, and subtract your results from Nelson-Somogyi to estimate sucrose concentration for another set of triplicate samples (spiked and un-spiked). The third set of triplicate samples will be run on HPLC to gain results for glucose, fructose and sucrose independently (if the new refractive index detector is installed by this class period if it isnt, we will run samples when it is but not hold you accountable for the HPLC results for this lab writeup).
I will depend on you to read through the chapter and know how to do the analyses.